This spot-on recession indicator is flashing red

June 15,2024

Article from MarketWatch by Mark Hulbert

Article Synopsis

The “Schannep Recession Indicator” (SRI), developed by Jack Schannep in 2000, aims to identify U.S. recessions by analyzing the unemployment rate. The SRI signals a recession when the three-month moving average of the unemployment rate rises by at least 0.4 percentage points from its previous cyclical low.

The latest SRI signal was triggered on June 7 with the May unemployment rate at 4.0%, suggesting a recession might be underway. The SRI’s advantage is its ability to predict recessions more promptly than the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), which often takes months or even over a year to confirm a recession’s start. Despite its reliability, caution is advised, as predicting recessions remains inherently challenging, and other models have sometimes failed to provide accurate forecasts.

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